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Sobre nosso curso de Combo Inglês do Zero ao Avançado (L1):
01 Método - Módulo Inicial02 Treinando a sua pronúncia- Módulo Inicial03 Assuntos importantes- Módulo Inicial04 Plural em Inglês- Módulo Inicial05 Inglês Americano X Britânico - Módulo Inicial06 Exercícios - Módulo Inicial07 Listening- Módulo Inicial08 Listening Parte II- Módulo Inicial09 Listening Parte III- Módulo Inicial10 Como construir suas primeiras frases - Módulo Inicial11 Como construir suas primeiras frases parte II - Módulo Inicial12 Como construir suas primeiras frases parte III - Módulo Inicial13 Multiplicando suas frases com 3 Verbos - Módulo Inicial14 Verbo To Like - Módulo Inicial15 Frases negativas - Módulo Inicial16 Frases negativas parte II - Módulo Inicial17 Frases interrogativas - Módulo Inicial18 Frases interrogativas parte II - Módulo Inicial19 Frases interrogativas parte III - Módulo Inicial20 Resumo - Módulo Inicial01 Resumo - Verbo To Be02 Possessive Adjectives - Verbo To Be03 Verbo To Be parte 1 - Verbo To Be03 Verbo To Be parte 2 - Verbo To Be04 WH questions - Verbo To Be05 Preposition From - Verbo To Be06 Alphabet - Verbo To Be07 Articles AN & A - Verbo To Be08 Articles THE - Verbo To Be09 Introductions THE - Verbo To Be01 Verb to Have - Do e Does02 Do & Does - Do e Does03 Text 1B Introductions - Do e Does04 Comprehension - Do e Does05 Conversation- Do e Does06 Show me your writing- Do e Does01 Cardinal Numbers - Cardinal Numbers & Hours02 Preposition For e To - Cardinal Numbers & Hours03 Preposition At - Cardinal Numbers & Hours04 Hours - Cardinal Numbers & Hours05 A time and routines - Cardinal Numbers & Hours06 Text review - Cardinal Numbers & Hours07 Comprehension - Cardinal Numbers & Hours08 Conversation - Cardinal Numbers & Hour 01 Do Does - Time & Routines02 Time And Routines - Time & Routines03 Review Text - Time & Routines04 Comprehension - Time & Routines05 Conversation - Time & Routines06 Show me your writing- Time & Routines01 Ing of the verb - Shopping02 Adverbs of the frequency - Shopping 03 Text 3A Shopping - Shopping04 Text Review - Shopping05 Comprehension - Shopping6 Conversation - Shopping01 Indicative pronouns - Shopping 202 Quantiers - Shopping 203 Verb there to be - Shopping 204 Text shopping - Shopping 205 Text review - Shopping 206 Comprehension - Shopping 207 Conversation - Shopping 208 Show me your writing - Shopping 201 Personal Pronouns Object - Food02 Text 4 Food - Food03 Text review - Foo04 Comprehension - Food05 Conversation - Food 01 Modal verb may an might - Food Parte 202 Food extra vocabulary - Food Parte 03 Text food 2 - Food Parte 204 Text review - Food Parte 05 Comprehension - Food Parte 206 Conversation - Food Parte 207 Show my your writing part 1 - Food Parte 208 Show my your writing part 2 - Food Parte 209 Show my your writing part 3 - Food Parte 210 Teste - Food Parte 201 Modal verb can - Colours02 Modal verb must - Colours03 Modal verb Should - Colours04 Modal verb Would - Colours05 Colours - Colour 06 Text job interview - Colours07 Text review - Colours08 Comprehenson - Colours09 Conversation - Colours01 Ordinal numbers - Ordinal Numbers02 Text job interview - Ordinal Numbers03 Text review - Ordinal Numbers04 Comprehension - Ordinal Numbers05 Conversation - Ordinal Numbers06 Verb to be past tense - Ordinal Numbers07 Show me yout writing - Ordinal Numbers01 Text of the week - Days of the Week02 Text review - Days of the Week03 Comprehension - Days of the Week04 Conversation - Days of the Week05 Auxiliary verb did - Days of the Week01 Text of the week - Days of the Week 202 Text review - Days of the Week 203 Comprehension - Days of the Week 2 04Conversation - Days of the Week 205 Show me your writing - Days of the Week 201 Could - Asking for Directions02 Narration Text asking for direction - Asking for Direction 03 Interpretation - Asking for Directions04 Comprehension - Asking for Directions05 Conversation - Asking for Directions06 Modal Verb Will - Asking for Directions01 Narration text unit - Asking for Directions 202 Interpretation unit - Asking for Directions 203 Comprehension - Asking for Directions 204 Conversation - Asking for Directions 205 Going to - Asking for Directions 201 Introdução ao assunto - Parasomnia English Video02 Video Parasomnia - Parasomnia English Video03 Narration - Parasomnia English Video04 Interpretation - Parasomnia English Video 05 Vocabulary Practice - Parasomnia English Video06 Conversation - Parasomnia English Video01 Introdução - Intermediate English Level02 Dicas - Intermediate English Level03 Números Ordinais - Intermediate English Level 04 Números em Data - Intermediate English Level05 Números para Expressar os anos - Intermediate English Level06 Conexão de palavras - Intermediate English Level01 O que é o present perfect - Where is Pizza From02 Present + Abreviada - Where is Pizza From03 Forma negativa - Where is Pizza From04 Fazendo perguntas - Where is Pizza From05 Diferenças entre did e present perfect - Where is Pizza From06 Conversation What fodd is your country - Where is Pizza From07 Conversation are there any foods - Where is Pizza From09 Reading Where is Pizza from - Where is Pizza From10 Interpretação - Where is Pizza From11 Who Made the first burger - Where is Pizza From12 Who Made the First Burger Part 2 - Where is Pizza From08 Conversation whats the hottest food - Where is Pizza From02 A taste of mexico - Explore More Food01 Exercise - Explore More Food03 Reading Script - Explore More Food04 Interpretação script - Explore More Food05 Summarise - Explore More Food06 Conversation Think About - Explore More Food01 - Substituindo TH Frases - My Grizzly Summer Job02 - Dizendo Frases com TH - My Grizzly Summer Job03 -Conversation what are your favourite - My Grizzly Summer Job04 - Conversation What kinds of movies - My Grizzly Summer Job05 - Conversation - My Grizzly Summer Job06 - My Grizzly job - My Grizzly Summer Job07 - Script Interpretação - My Grizzly Summer Job08 - Completion Vocabulary - My Grizzly Summer Job09 - Definitions Vocabulary - My Grizzly Summer Job01 - Preview History - Explore More History of Film02 - History Of Film - Explore More History of Film03 - Script reading - Explore More History of Film04 - Interpretation - Explore More History of Film05 - Summarise History - Explore More History of Film06 - Think About it How might - Explore More History of Film07 - Think about it what do you think was - Explore More History of Film01 Conversation - Was Struck By Lightning02 Conversation part 2 - Was Struck By Lightning03 Conversation part 3 - Was Struck By Lightning04 Conversation part 3 - Was Struck By Lightnin 05 Reading - Was Struck By Lightning06 Interpretation - Was Struck By Lightning07 Vocabulary Practice Matching - Was Struck By Lightning08 Vocabulary Practice Matching - Was Struck By Lightning01 - Preview Lightning - Lightning02 - Lightning - Lightning03 - Reading - Lightning04 - Script Interpretação - Lightning05 - Summarise - Lightning06 - Think About - Lightning07 - Think About it What Other Ways - Lightning01 Comparatives and Superlatives - Superlatives02 Exceptions - Superlatives03 Common Mistakes in Comparative and Superlatives - Superlatives01 Conversation How Much Time do You Spend - Hiking in Korea02 Conversation what kinds of outdoor - Hiking in Korea03 Conversation do you think it is - Hiking in Korea04 Reading Hiking in Korea - Hiking in Korea05 Interpretation - Hiking in Korea06 Vocabulary Practice - Hiking in Korea07 Vocabulary Practice Par 2 - Hiking in Korea01 Preview Dubai - Explore more Dubai02 Dubai World - Explore more Dubai03 Script Reading - Explore more Dubai04 Interpretation Script - Explore more Dubai05 Summarise - Explore more Dubai06 Think About it - Explore more Dubai07 Think About it - Explore more Dubai01 Introdução do Curso Nível Intermediário - Nível Intermediário02 Porque estudar Gramática? - Nível Intermediário03 Google - Nível Intermediário 04 Estudo Eficiente - Nível Intermediário05 Personal Pronouns - Nível Intermediário06 Subject and Predicate - Nível Intermediário07 Possessive Adjectives - Nível Intermediário08 Exercícios Módulos - Nível Intermediário01 Verb to be Introdução - Verbo to be parte 202 Positive form - Verbo to be parte 203 Negative - Verbo to be parte 204 Questions - Verbo to be parte 201 Exercício Write the short forms - Verbo to be Exercícios02 Exercício Write am, is or are - Verbo to be Exercícios03 Exercício - Verbo to be Exercícios04 Exercício write true sentences - Verbo to be Exercícios05 Exercício 2 - Verbo to be Exercícios06 Exercício Make - Verbo to be Exercícios07 Exercício White the questions - Verbo to be Exercícios08 Exercício Short Answers yes i am - Verbo to be Exercícios01 Exercício What are these people doing - Present Continuous02 Exercício Complete - Present Continuous03 Exercício Whats - Present Continuous04 Exercício Make - Present Continuous05 Exercício Write Short Answers - Present Continuous06 Exercício Present Continuous - Present Continuous01 Introdução - Do & Does02 Do & Does Positive - Do & Does03 Exercise Positive - Do & Does04 Exercise - Do & Does05 Exercise Positive Parte 2 - Do & Does06 Exercise Positive parte 3 - Do & Does07 Exercise Positive parte 4 - Do & Does08 Negative sentence - Do & Does09 Write The negative - Do & Does10 Complete the sentences - Do & Does11 Put The Verb Into Correct Form - Do & Doe12 Question Forms of do and does - Do & Does13 Write questions - Do & Doe14 Exercise make questions - Do & Does15 Exercise write - Do & Does16 Family wh & h - Do & Does17 Diferenças DO & Does - Do & Doe18 Review Complete - Do & Does19 Review Put The Verb in the present - Do & Does01 This That These - This, That, These, Those02 Exercise - This, That, These, Those03 Exercise Write - This, That, These, Thos04 Exercise Complete - This, That, These, Those01 Introdução - Modal Verb Can02 Exercise Ask Steve If - Modal Verb Can03 Exercise Can you do These Things - Modal Verb Can04 Exercise Complete - Modal Verb Can01 Verbo To Have - Have Got02 Verbo To Have Negative - Have Got03 Verbo To Have Interrogative - Have Got04 Exercise Write - Have Got05 Exercise What about - Have Got06 Exercise Write - Have Got07 Exercise Write - Have Got08 Complete The sentences - Have Got01 Introdução - Singular X Plural 02 A vs AN - Singular X Plural03 Exercise Write - Singular X Plural04 Exercise What are these things - Singular X Plural05 Exercise Job - Singular X Plural06 Exercise Write - Singular X Plural07 Plural - Singular X Plural08 Exercise Write - Singular X Plural09 Exercise Look - Singular X Plural01 Positive There is and There are - There is And There are02 Negative Forms - There is And There are03 Questions - There is And There ar04 Exercise Are These sentences correct - There is And There ar05 Exercise Which - There is And There are 01 Countable - Countable Nouns 02 Exercise - Countable Nouns03 Some of These Sentences - Countable Nouns04 Exercise - Countable Noun 05 An VS The - Countable Noun 06 Write - Countable Nouns 07 Exercise - Countable Nouns 08 Exercise - Countable Nouns 09 The - Countable Noun 10 Exercise - Countable Nouns 11 Exercise Complete - Countable Nouns 12 Exercise Look - Countable Nouns 13 Exercise Complete - Countable Nouns 01 Subject Object - Object Pronouns 02 Exercises - Object Pronouns 03 Exercises - Object Pronouns 04 Exercises Write - Object Pronouns 05 Exercises Complete - Object Pronouns 06 Exercises Complete - Object Pronouns 01 Introdução - Whose is this mine yours 02 Exercise - Whose is this mine yours03 Exercise Choose - Whose is this mine yours 04 Exercise Complete - Whose is this mine yours05 Exercise Look - Whose is this mine yours01 Reflexive Pronoun - Myself Yourself02 Exercise Complete - Myself Yoursel 03 Exercise Write - Myself Yourself04 Write Sentences - Myself Yourself 05 Complete The Sentences - Myself Yourself. Greetings and Fareweells #Ciclo Básico#Let´s verbs #Ciclo Básico#Possessive Adjectives #Ciclo BásicoVerb to be #Ciclo Básico#Verb to be - Negative and interrogative #Ciclo Básico#Occupations and Indefinite articles #Ciclo Básico#Prepositions and family members #Ciclo Básico#3rd person verb to be #Ciclo Básico#Present continuous #Ciclo Básico#Possessive pronouns #Ciclo Básico#Past tense verb to be #Ciclo Básico#Past tense verb regular verbs #Ciclo Básico#Past tense verb irregular verbs #Ciclo Básico#Describe people #Ciclo Básico#There to be #Ciclo Básico#Can and be able to #Ciclo Básico#Future #Ciclo Básico#Present continuous #Intermediário Level One#Whould + some any no #Intermediário Level One#Prefer And Would Rather #Intermediário Level One#Should or Should not #Intermediário Level One#Past Simple vs Past Continuous #Intermediário Level One#D Better And Had Better #Intermediário Level One#Superlatives #Intermediário Level One#Adjectives #Intermediário Level One#Plural Of Nouns #Intermediário Level One#Have And Havegot #Intermediário Level One#Present Perfect #Intermediário Level One#Present Perfect Continuous #Intermediário Level One#Yest, Already , Just #Intermediário Level One# Past Particple #Intermediário Level One#Simple Past #Intermediário Level Two#Phrasel Verbs #Intermediário Level Two#Present Perfect Continuous #Intermediário Level Two#Passive Voice #Intermediário Level Two#Passive Voice - Part 2 #Intermediário Level Two#Wh Questions In Past #Intermediário Level Two#Adjectives and Adverbs #Intermediário Level Two#Future Perfect #Intermediário Level Two#Future Perfect Continuous #Intermediário Level Two#Mixed Conditionals #Intermediário Level Two#Narrative Tenses #Intermediário Level Two#Relative Clauses #Intermediário Level Two#Wishes #Intermediário Level Two#Expressing Past Habits #Intermediário Level Two#Cleft sentece #Intermediário Level Two#Prepositions In Relative Clauses #Intermediário Level Two#Inversion #Intermediário Level Two#Reflexive Pronouns #Intermediário Level Two#Passive Causative #Intermediário Level Two#Common Intensifying Adverbs #Intermediário Level Two#Connotations #Intermediário Level Two# Euphemism #Intermediário Level Two#Near Synonmys #Intermediário Level Two#Both Either Neither #Intermediário Level Two#3rd Conditional AND 2rd Contional #Intermediário Level Two#Prefixes #Advanced Level - English Class One#Suffixes #Advanced Level - English Class One#Phrases With Get #Advanced Level - English Class One#Phrasal Nouns #Advanced Level - English Class One#Similes And Metaphors #Advanced Level - English Class One#Time Expressions #Advanced Level - English Class One#Common Idiomatic Phrases #Advanced Level - English Class One#Linking Words #Advanced Level - English Class One#Broader Range Of Intensifiers #Advanced Level - English Class One#Past Perfect Tense #Advanced Level - English Class One#Present Perfect Continuous VS Past Perfect Continuous #Advanced Level - English Class One#Embedded Questions #Advanced Level - English Class One#Uses Of A An Some Any #Advanced Level - English Class One#Word Pairs #Advanced Level - English Class One#Have Someone To Do Something Vs Get Someone To Do Something #Advanced Level - English Class Two#Idiomatic Expressions #Advanced Level - English Class Two#Suffixe - Free #Advanced Level - English Class Two#BEEN #Advanced Level - English Class Two#None Vs No #Advanced Level - English Class Two#Adjectives English compounds #Advanced Level - English Class Two#Radicals of Words in English #Advanced Level - English Class TwPreposition Understanding the Structure of English #Advanced Level - English Class Two#Omission of the Relative Pronoun in English #Advanced Level - English Class Two#Dream With You #Advanced Level - English Class Two#Combined To Meet After Work #Advanced Level - English Class Two#Can you listen to the birds #Advanced Level - English Class Two#. 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